City of Los Angeles - 6th St. Bridge ESR - Bypass of up to 70MGD continuous for a period of 11 months.
LBWD - Long Beach Private Development - Bypass of 2MGD utilizing hydraulic submersible pumps in a 40’ deep maintenance hole
Myers and Sons - Bypass of entire RP-2 Treatment Plant with flows of 50MGD for a period of approximately 2 months.
TE Roberts - EOCWD - Provide various 6” bypass pumps, pipe, and related accessories on a rental basis during sewer upgrades.
LACSD - Emergency Pipeline Rehab. - Provide various bypass systems to support emergency pipeline repairs and CIPP lining.
LBWD - S18 Lift Station Rehabilitation - Provide fully automate bypass system for a period of 5 months during lift station upgrades.
MNWD - Regional Lift Station Improvements - Bypass of 10MGD at 100’ TDH continuously for a period of 3 months.
Kingmen Construction - Chiquita Lift Station FM Upgrades - Provide a fully automated bypass system achieving 10MGD at 120’ TDH, including 20’ of suction lift.
OCSAN - Wet Weather Standby System - Provide a fully automated sewer bypass system capable of delivering 30MGD.
JF Shea - Los Coyotes Plant Rehab. - Provide multiple 25MGD bypass systems on a rental basis during plant upgrades over a period of 2 years.
W.M. Lyles - IEUA - Provide fully automated system, including remote monitoring, rated at 2MGD.
Pacific Hydrotech - HATS Diversion Structure Rehab - Provide a fully automated system including redundant SCADA. The peak flow of 24 MGD.
OC San - Sunflower Trunk Sewer Rehab - Bypass of 78” trunk sewer, including installation of double plugs.
OCSAN - Main St. Pumping Plant Emergency - Installation of 10MGD bypass system on an emergency basis during wet weather.
Spiniello Infrastructure West - Provide Emergency bypass response for pipeline repairs and rehabilitation.
OC San - Balboa Trunk Sewer Rehab - Provide sewer bypass and rehabilitate pipeline utilizing CIPP technologies.
Kiewit Infrastructure West - Provide a pump rental solution capable of 10MGD with redundancy on a rental basis.
PCL Construction - Provide 12MGD Bypass System during pump station upgrades